Tuesday, June 10, 2014

More details regarding the Derpy Mane CCG Card

Thanks to our kind Trevor over at Hey Cantlerlot! on Facebook, I'm speculating about the new Derpy Mane (+others?) based on his comments. What do you guys think? I've listed some popular opinions, too!

  • "There isn't going to be a card named that. ... fans move on from the name and just assume that name isn't going to be on official products..."
  • "...some people just don't want to name her at all..."
  • "Obviously when she makes an appearance in the game she'll start to quickly get some character cards..."
  • "...Friday was a pretty big hint as to which set that character will show up."
  • "Not every character can be contained into one color."
  • "...assuming you're okay with her having a different name than she goes by in the fandom."

  • "Derpy will NOT be her listed name.
Personally, I'm cool with this! As long as we get her in some form with her physical presence unaltered, I'm fine. Judging by their past work, Enterplay never fails to deliver!

My speculations:
  • Derpy will be a part of the Discord set. 
  • Derpy will vary in color (she's already been Blue and Yellow). This would fit with the Discord set because I feel that the Mane Six won't be locked to their colors so they can fit with the "chaos" theme.
  • There will be a few Derpy "mane" cards, one possibly a promotional/ultra rare, and also other cards featuring her.
  • Her name will probably be references to all of her names and based more on her abilities or fandom quirks like "Mailmare".

Other speculations:
  • A new color associated soley for Derpy?
  • Ditsy Doo / Muffins  will be used for the name
  • Enterplay may continue the use of her name on Collector Cards